Monday, November 30, 2009


This has been a really busy week!  Thanksgiving was last Thursday and, even with the holiday gatherings, I lost a pound last week.  Woo-hoo!  My plan of everything in moderation worked quite well… so did the extra gym time to work off any extra calories ;-)

Another thing happened on Thanksgiving that I hadn’t planned on – I “outed” myself as a cervical cancer survivor to my Granny and two cousins. This is something that Tamika and I have talked about on multiple occasions as I only told my immediate family and close friends about my diagnosis at first.  I was too scared of what was happening and didn’t want to worry anyone else unnecessarily.  So, I kept my diagnosis to myself and never told either of my grandmothers, aunts and uncles, or cousins.  Both of my grandmothers are worriers and I knew that the news would raise too much concern for either of them.  When I picked Granny up to take her to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving dinner I asked her if she’d ever wondered why I am so involved with cervical cancer organizations and she had.  So, before we drove off I explained the whole thing to her.  Having lost a sister and an aunt to ovarian cancer my diagnosis hit very close to her heart.  She was glad that I didn’t tell her early on because she too knew that she’d have worried herself to death and she’s very glad to know that my doctor is on top of things, being very proactive in trying to prevent a recurrence.  I have a lot more family members to tell in the next year and I anticipate that many of those conversations will be challenging.  But, if I can tell people I’ve never met about my experiences I owe it to my family to tell them myself.

Today I had an appointment with my OB Gyn.  I see her every four months and have seen her at least that often since my diagnosis.  She’s very proactive with my treatment and I tell her every time I see her how thankful I am for that.  I do not, however, thank her for the pain she inflicts on me during every visit.  The biopsies that I have are called “Endocervical Curettage” (ECC for short).  This means that she is removing tissue from my cervical canal.  In my experience the numbing shots that they can give don’t numb the cervical canal so I’ve given up asking for them.  Today was NOT a good biopsy day for my cervix.  As soon as the doctor told her nurse that my cervix was moving away from her I knew what was coming… I’m not sure what it’s called but it’s like a speculum for your cervix and it really hurts when they use it.  Imagine having a charlie horse that’s making every muscle in your abdomen tie themselves in knots.  That’s what happens to me when they use this torture device (BLECH!).  Thankfully, the procedure only takes about five minutes and then I get to lay on the table for another five minutes to make sure that I’m okay to get up.  I passed out from the pain once, the first time I had an ECC after having a cervical conization procedure, and she’s pays very close attention to me now.  I guess that having a patient pass out mid procedure is not a good thing ;-)  Now I get to wait up to three weeks for my results, which is sheer torture.  Every time I think about it I remember the phone call that started with “are you somewhere you can talk” and all of the emotions of that challenging time come flooding back to me.  So, I focus on family, friends, work, and fun to try to keep my mind from going too far down that path.  Fingers crossed for a good result!!

I hope that all of you had as many things to be thankful for as I have.  Even with challenges and frustrations life is a beautiful thing  :-)

~Cindy (AKA, Shaping up in Sacramento)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Turkey, and Stuffing and Pie...OH MY!!!!

The Holiday Season is fast approaching and with it many delicious food temptations.  Mine happens to be pumpkin pie...I love pumpkin pie!!!  I know that I need to make the right choices this holiday season to keep on track with my weight loss and my goal of participating in the big race next fall.

I have been researching on-line healthy, less calorie options for holiday fare and was amazed at the ideas and suggestions out there.  I am definitely going to try some of them out and also plan on increasing my work outs during the holiday season, so that I may have the occasional treat.  Who knows maybe I will even find a tasty healthier version of pumpkin pie!!!

I am so glad that I am participating in this challenge though because I have already lost weight, my clothes are fitting better and I have more energy. 

Thanks for all of the support and encouragement that people have been giving us and keep it going because it really does make a difference!!!

Have a great week!

Slimmin' in Seattle

Friday, October 23, 2009


Boy oh boy did I get some last weekend!  Have you ever gone go kart racing?  Not the Scandia miniature golf kind.  I mean the cool karts that go really fast.  The karts where you can skid around corners like you're one of the drivers in that Tokyo Drift movie.  Well, as you can see from the picture, these things are fairly small and really low to the ground.  Once I got my behind wedged into that narrow seat and drove the kart around the track for a while I worked up a sweat just trying to get out of it.  I'm pretty sure that I was about as graceful as a turtle on its back and, for a while, I wondered if they'd need the jaws of life to pry me out.  A very sweet friend offered to try to help me out of the kart but I declined for fear of pulling her in with me.  I found my own escape route.  In all honesty, it probably took about a minute to get out of the thing.  But, it felt like an eternity.

All in all, a really great day with friends served two purposes - 1) making some great memories, and 2) incentive to work hard at this challenge, to remind me to focus on the goal of making positive life changes, and a reminder that just getting around in this world will be easier once I'm traveling in a smaller frame.

I hope that you all have a great weekend!  I'm hoping to fill mine with some gym time, good friends, and sleep :-)

Bye for now,

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hello from Cindy - AKA Shaping up in Sacramento

Hi everyone!

I'm Cindy, the California girl in the challenge.  I'm super excited about the Survivor Slim down not only because it's a chance to start enforcing some positive, healthy lifestyle changes but also because I get to work really closely with two amazing ladies - Tamika and Pam.

Tamika, Pam, and I were all in Chicago over the weekend for the National Cervical Cancer Coalition's annual conference and, boy is it hard to stick to healthy eating at a conference!  The hotel food is mostly bread, pasta, and fruit but I was happy to be able to find a salad now and then.  Many of the ladies at the conference already knew about the slim down and most of them were really encouraging and were even talking about joining us for the triathlon next October.  Unfortunately, one of them wasn't so encouraging (although I honestly think that she thought she was helping).  The night of the cocktail reception that kicks off the conference I totally avoided the pasta table, only eating salad and one prawn for dinner, and having one glass of white wine to wash it down.  Someone came up to me  while I was eating my salad and asked "does all of this fit into your diet?".  I'm not sure how any of you would feel about that but it felt extremely judgmental and unsupportive to me.  I felt so good about controlling my portions and staying away from bad carbs and then someone who has never had to battle her weight asks that question.  Luckily, Tamika and Pam were there to lift my spirits and we all enjoyed the rest of the evening - including our late night workout after the reception :-)

My uncle sent me a joke the other day that I thought was funny.  Hope you do too...
I just had a call from a Charity asking me to donate some of my clothes to the starving people throughout the world.
I told them to go to hell!!  Anybody who fits into my clothes isn't starving!!

Thanks for following us along our journey!  I'll be back again soon.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Date with IHOP!

This morning I had a meeting scheduled for 9am at IHOP. Normally, I would be excited to get out of the conference room, but since starting this "slimdown" I wasn't exactly thrilled. I knew the temptation would be there for chicken fried steak smothered in gravy and I was going to be with a group of people who know how to chow down - LOL!

But, I did the smart thing and planned ahead. I figured with this movement to slim down America that surely IHOP would have a calorie friendly menu - and they did! ;-). It's called, "IHOP for Me" and it literally was just for me! If you log on to IHOP's website click on "IHOP for Me" under the menu tab. They have menu items under 600 calories that they call "smart everyday choices". I choose the spinach, mushroom & tomato omelette for me and was happy and pleasantly full without finishing it.

It's all about lifestyle changes. I want to be healthy and I feel like that simple food selection helped me get one step closer to my goal. I also have to admit that I was inspired by Mo'Nique after catching a glimpse of her new late night talk show and her own personal slim down. Mo' is a self proclaimed "Fat Girl" and she has helped many big girls embrace their curves and rolls. I love what she is doing and I don't think she's selling out to the big girls, I think she's getting ready for her future.

"Minimizing in Maryland"

Monday, October 5, 2009

Hello from Pam AKA "Slimmin' in Seattle"

Hi everybody!!!  I am Pam from Seattle, aka Slimmin' in Seattle.  I want to keep all of you updated on how things are going so far.  Well, so far so good!  Breakfast has been the easiest meal thus far, as I am a big fan of oatmeal and have already been eating that for my morning meal for awhile.  Steel cut oatmeal and old fashioned oats are not as bad as people think that they are.  Spice them up with some cinnamon, or fresh fruit!!  Yummy!  My biggest challenge will be to stay away from ice cream and fancy coffee drinks...I live in Seattle home of Starbucks, what more can I say.  Today though I switched my morning java from the calorie laden Carmel Macchiato to the more diet friendly Americano.

I am very excited about going through this life changing challenge with Tamika and Cindy.  What great women and an inspiration to all of us!  I know that there will be blood, sweat and tears along the way, but I truly believe that together that we can accomplish our goal of getting fit.  We are cancer survivors and that has made us the women who we are today and will help propel us to new begininnings and better health.

Talk to all of you soon and please continue to follow us through this amazing journey.

Pam :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Conference that changed everything...

My name is Tamika, but for the next year I will be known as "Minimizing in Maryland". A year ago I was in Los Angeles attending the National Cervical Cancer Coalition's annual conference where I was speaking. While there I met many amazing women. But, there were two who would make a lasting impression - Cindy (“Shaping up in Sacramento") and Pam (“Slimmin' in Seattle”).

Cindy I noticed right way: She was a "thick" girl with fabulous style - especially her shoes (you will hear more about the shoes later). I noticed Pam instantly, too - just like Cindy, she was "thick" and had incredible style. The agenda for the conference was very involved. But me being the "chatty girl" that I am and loving to hear people's stories, I found plenty of time to get to know these amazing women better. By the end of the conference a friendship began to bud - though I didn't know to what extent.

I ended up hanging out with Pam after the last day of the conference and to this day I don't think either of us will ever forget that night! ;-) That's a story for another post...

Cindy, on the other hand, had to head back to Sacramento so I had to wait to really get to know her. Fast forward: We all went back to our homes and kept in touch.

Over the months we all stayed in touch here and there, and then I came up with an idea - one hell of an idea! Each of us had beaten cancer on various levels but we had never beaten the battle of the bulge. So, I asked Cindy and Pam to train with me for a year to complete a triathlon. I know – crazy, right? But, what better way to motivate each other and do something amazing together and lose weight? And, can you believe it - they actually said yes!

So, on September 19, 2009, at my non-profit Tamika & Friends, Inc., annual walk in New York, we announced our plans for a "Survivor Slimdown" – and the support from the crowd was tremendous. Today - exactly one year from race day - we are on this amazing life-changing journey together, and I hope you will come along for the ride and encourage us along the way. Hey, I’ve already convinced two women to join me – maybe you’ll join us on race day, too!

Cyber hugs,
Minimizing in Maryland