Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Only two months until race day!  The Ulman Half Full Triathlon is October 3rd and I can't believe how fast time is flying!!  Lots of good things to report today :-)

My weight loss is actually noticeable to other people now.  My house mate has said things like "your necklace is longer" and "your toes are scrawny!", which is her way of telling me that she can see a difference.  Coworkers are asking me if I've lost weight, so are friends that I don't see every day, and the weight on my driver license is higher than my actual weight for the first time since high school!  This is good stuff!  One thing I didn't think about related to losing weight is the cost.  I can't wear any of the clothes I could wear when this all started last year.  Even my shoes are getting too big because my feet aren't as chubby as they once were.  This is getting expensive!  But, it's so worth it to be able to have extra room in a movie theater seat or to be able to walk into a store that I am not used to being able to shop in and buy something off the rack :-)

With my brother at our grandmother's 93rd birthday in June.
Health is very good.  I had a biopsy last month and it came back clear. Such a huge relief!  My other doctor decided to do some blood tests to see how my blood sugar, cholesterol, etc are looking since I changed my diet.  They were always within the normal range but they were also always very near the high end of normal.  Now, they're right in the middle of normal and my doctors were all very pleased.  My blood pressure has even gone down to 106/75.

Training is exhausting and totally invigorating!  I love it and am super excited, and nervous, about the race.  But, fitting training into my schedule is getting harder and harder.  Luckily, I've found that I really enjoy working out.  So, that's a big help.  But, my gym is cutting back its hours and I'm not sure how I'll be able to get there when they're open.  Even if it means changing gyms, I'll find a way :-)  So, my swim workouts are now a little over a mile.  I'm swimming farther than the triathlon requires but swimming in a pool and swimming in open water are very different.  I'm trying to find a couple of friends to do a few open water swims with between now and the race in October.  I hope that some of my nervousness will go away after I get a few good swims under my belt.  Wish me luck!!

Hope you're all having a great summer!